Public Forensic Forum I

Theme: The Future of Fighting Crime with Forensic Science in Ghana.

  • Leveraging on DNA profiling for criminal in investigations
  • The importance of DNA databasing in Ghana
  • Anthropometry and forensic human identification in Ghana
  • Fighting crime in Ghana: the role of forensic toxicology


  • Pet-Paul Wepeba, PhD (ISFG, GAFS, GAMLS), Forensic Science Consultant and Lecturer-SMD, KNUST.
  • Moses Banyeh, PhD (FWAPCMLS, GAFS, GAMLS), Forensic Science Consultant and Lecturer-UDS
  • Maj. Emmanuel Adusei (GAFS, GAMLS), Forensic and Biomedical Scientist, 37 Mil. Hosp and Adjunct Lecturer-UCC

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